annAL nI thandha * Akkaiyin vazhi uzhalvEn **
vennAL nOy vIya * vinaigaLai vEraRap pAyndhu *
ennAL yAn unnai * ini vandhu kUduvanE? 1
O cloud-hued Lord, you made the Earth and Ocean! This body you have me then drags on painfully, O, when will I cut my Karmas by the root, when end this wretched life and join you?
vanmA vaiyam aLandha * em vAmanA! * nin
panmA mAyap * palpiRaviyil padiginRa yAn **
thonmA valvinaith * thodargaLai mudhalarindhu *
ninmA thAL sErndhu * niRpadhu enjnjAnRu kolO? 2
O Vamana who measured the wide Earth! I am fallen in Maya, suffering countless rebirths. Cutting the endless Karmas that follow me doggedly, when will find you lovely lotus-feet?
kollA mAkkOl * kolai seydhu bArathap pOr *
ellAch sEnaiyum * irunilaththu aviththa endhAy! **
pollA Akkaiyin * puNar vinai aRukkalaRA *
sollAy yAn unnaich * sArvadhOr sUzhchchiyE 3
O Lord who steered the chariot in the battlefield. Smiting death to the wicked in the Bharata war! Pray tell me how I may join your feet, cutting as under my bodily connexions.
sUzhchchi njAnach * sudaroLi Agi * enRum
Ezhchchik kEdinRi * engngaNum niRaindha endhAy! **
thAzhchchi matRengkum thavirndhu * nin thALiNak kIzh
vAzhchchi * yAn sErum vagai * aruLAy vandhE 4
O Lord of infinite illumination, pervading all with no loss or gain! Pray come and tell me how I may cut my lowly ways and find your lotus feet.
vandhAy pOlE * vandhum en manaththinai nI *
sindhAmal seyyAy * idhuvE idhuvAgil **
kondhAr kAyAvin * kozhumalarth thiruniRaththa
endhAy! * yAn unnai * engku vandhaNukiRpanE? 5
My Lord of Kaya-blossom hue! You seem to come, my radiant Lord, but never stay! O, How now can I join you, if you do not stay and give me strength?
kiRpan killEn * enRilan muna nALAl *
aRpa sArangkaL * avai suvaiththu aganRozhindhEn **
paRpallAyiram * uyir seydha paramA! * nin
naRpoRsOdhith thAL * naNuguvadhu enjnjAnRE? 6
Then I had no power to discriminate, and lost myself in trivial pleasures. O Lord you made these countless thousand souls! O when will I reach your golden feet?
enjnjAnRu nAm irundhirundhu * irangki nenjchE! *
meynjnjAnam inRi * vinaiyiyal piRappazhundhi **
enjnjAnRum engkum * ozhivaRa niRaindhu ninRa *
meynjnjAnach sOdhik * kaNNanai mEvudhumE 7
O Heart of mine, benefit of true knowledge, you suffer endless karmic birth. O when will we join our knowledge-Lord, the radiant Krishna who lives in all forever?
mEvu thunba vinaigaLai * viduththumilEn *
Ovudhal inRi * un kazhal vaNangkitRilEn **
pAvuthol sIrk kaNNA! * en paranjchudarE! *
kUvuginREn kANbAn * engkeydhak kUvuvanE? 8
O Lord Krishna, my eternal glory-flood! Alas, I have not ceased my lowly Karmas not relentlessly worshipped your lotus feet, "Krishna", I call, O where can I see you?
kUvik kUvik * koduvinaith thUtRuL ninRu *
pAviyEn palakAlam * vazhi thigaiththu alamarginREn **
mEvi anRu Anirai kAththavan * ulagam ellAm *
thAviya ammAnai * engku inith thalaippeyvanE? 9
I stand and call from deep inside in my Karmic tomb and flounder through many dismal paths. Then my Lord did grace the cows and walk the Earth. O where can I find him now?
thalaippey kAlam * naman thamar pAsam vittAl *
alaippUN uNNum * avvallal ellAm agala **
kalaippal njAnaththu * en kaNNanaik kaNdu koNdu *
nilaip petRu en nenjcham petRadhu * nIduyirE 10
The pall of affliction so strong over me, as if the god of death had come throwing his snare, is over now, for I have my Krishna in my heart, He is the Lord of knowledge and eternal life.
* uyirgaL ellA * ulagamum udaiyavanai *
kuyilkoL sOlaith * thenkurugUrch satakOpan **
seyiril sollisai mAlai * AyiraththuL ippaththum *
uyirin mEl Akkai * Unidai ozhivikkumE 11
This decad of the perfect thousand songs by Satakopan of kurugur where sweet cuckoos haunt, addresses the Lord who contains all the worlds and souls. Those who can sing it will rid the soul of its envelopes of flesh.
adivaravu: munnIr vanmA kollA sUzhchchi vandhAy kiRpan enjnjAnRu
mEvu kUvi thalai uyirgaL ozhivil
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