adichchOdhi nI ninRa * thAmaraiyAy alarndhadhuvO? **
padichchOdhi Adaiyodum * palkalanAy * nin paimpon
kadichchOdhi kalandhadhuvO? * thirumAlE! katturaiyE 1
Did the radiance of your face blossom into a radiant crown over you Did the radiance of your lotus feet blossom into a lotus pedestal below you? Did the radiance of your golden frame transform itself into the robes and ornaments all over you? O Tell me, Lord!
katturaikkil thAmarai * nin kaN pAdham kai ovvA *
katturaiththa nanpon * un thirumEni oLi ovvAdhu **
otturaiththu ivvulagu unnaip * pugazhvellAm perumpAlum *
patturaiyAyp puRkenRE * kAttumAl paranjchOdhI! 2
The lotus flower is no match to your eyes, hands and feet. Burnished gold is no match to your radiant face. All the praise of all the worlds heaped on you do but naught to compliment your grace.
paranjchOdhi! nI paramAy * ninnigazhndhu pin matROr *
paranjchOdhi inmaiyin * padiyOvi nigazhginRa **
paranjchOdhi ninnuLLE * padarulagam padaiththa * em
paranjchOdhi! gOvindhA! * paNburaikka mAttEnE 3
Effulgent Lord most high! You made the Universe! Another effulgent Lord as you, I do not see. So with nothing to compare you by, I fall back mute. O, Govinda my Lord!
mAttAdhE Agilum * immalarthalai mAnjAlam * nin
mAttAya malar puraiyum * thiruvuruvam manam vaikka **
mAttAdha pala samaya * madhi koduththAy malarththuzhAy *
mAttE nI manam vaiththAy * mAnjAlam varundhAdhE? 4
This world does not see the radiance of your frame. You distracted men with thoughts and let them roam, while yourself enjoying the thought of cool Tulasi. O, Lord, does not the world stand to lose by this?
varundhAdha arunthavaththa * malar kadhirin sudarudambAy *
varundhAdha njAnamAy * varambinRi muzhudhiyanRAy! **
varungkAlam nigazhkAlam * kazhikAlamAy ulagai *
orungkAga aLippAy! sIr * engku ulakka OdhuvanE? 5
O, Lord of natural radiance, through past, present and future! Exceeding the radiance obtained by the hardest penance, you stand above, guarding the Universe, How can I ever praise you fully?
OdhuvAr OththellAm * evvulagaththu evvevaiyum *
sAdhuvAy nin pugazhin * thagai allAl piRidhillai **
pOdhuvAzh punanthuzhAy * mudiyinAy! pUvin mEl *
mAdhuvAzh mArbinAy! * en solli yAn vAzhththuvanE? 6
Even the scriptures and whatever else the world reads, do but speak of your glory only in part. Lord of Tulasi crown and lotus chest! O How can I praise you enough?
vAzhththuvAr palarAga * ninnuLLE nAnmuganai *
mUzhththa nIr ulagellAm * padai enRu mudhal padaiththAy! **
kEzhththa sIr aran mudhalAk * kiLar dheyvamAyk kiLarndhu *
sUzhththamarar thudhiththAl * un tholpugazh mAsUNAdhE?
O Lord who willed Brahma the maker and Siva too! What though your praise-singer be many? Even if they and the hordes of gods come and sing,. Your effulgent glory cannot come to and end.
mAsUNAch sudarudambAy * malarAdhu kuviyAdhu *
mAsUNA njAnamAy * muzhudhumAy muzhudhiyanRAy! **
mAsUNA vAnkOlaththu * amarar kOn vazhipattAl *
mAsUNA una pAdha * malarchchOdhi mazhungkAdhE? 8
O Constant Lord with a frame of pure radiance! O Lord of perfect knowledge, O whole Being ! Even if the king of celestials were to sing your praise, the radiance of your lotus feet will never diminish.
mazhungkAdha vainnudhiya * chakkara nalvalaththaiyAy *
thozhungkAdhal kaLiRaLippAn * puLLUrndhu thOnRinaiyE **
mazhungkAdha njAnamE * padaiyAga malarulagil *
thozhumbAyArkku aLiththAl * un sudarchchOdhi maRaiyAdhE? 9
O Lord, you came riding on the Garuda bird and saved the devotee-elephant with your discus. What if all your devotees became illumined, would that exhaust your glory?
maRaiyAya nAlvEdhaththuL ninRa * malarch sudarE! *
muRaiyAl ivvulagellAm * padaiththu idandhu uNdu umizhndhu aLandhAy! **
piRaiyERu sadaiyAnum * nAnmuganum indhiranum *
iRaiyAdhal aRindhEththa * vItRiruththal idhu viyappE? 10
O Radiant lotus-Lord extolled by the Vedas! You ate, made, remade, lifted, and strode the Earth! Even if Siva, Brahma and indra stand and worship, would your wonder ever stand exhausted?
* viyappAya viyappillA * meynjnjAna vEdhiyanai *
sayappugazhAr palar vAzhum * thadangkurugUr sadakOpan **
thuyakkinRith thozhudhuraiththa * AyiraththuL ippaththum *
uyakkoNdu piRappaRukkum * oli munnIr njAlaththE 11
This decad of the perfect thousand sons by Satakopan of Kurugur, -where godly men reside, -addresses the wonder-Lord extolled by the Vedas, Those who can sing it will break the cords of rebirth and secure heaven.
adivaravu: mudi katturai param mAttAdhE varundhAdha Odhu vAzhththu
mAsUNA mazhungkAdha maRai viyappAya munnIr
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